The Texas Synthetic Electric Grid Company is a fictitious electric power utility firm set up to operate the synthetic 2,000-bus Texas grid. Originally, it comprises of eight operating areas with different amounts of loads and generations. Embedded dynamics in the modeled power system components makes it a good platform for class activities and student laboratory assignments.
Power Flow Analysis
This assignment demonstrates running power flow studies on both a 37-bus and a 2000-bus power system. Students will observe the impact of changes in generation, transformer, and shunt capacitor controls on system bus voltages and transmission line flows. Then students will apply these observations to fix overloaded lines by redispatching generation, and reduce losses by adjusting capacitor and transformer settings.
Economic Dispatch and Contingency Analysis
In this assignment, both the 37-bus and 2000-bus power systems are studied using an economic dispatch and contingency analysis. For the economic dispatch, students will observe how the dispatch changes as the load varies for each system, and evaluate the impact of considering penalty factors to account for system losses. For contingency analysis, generators will be redispatched and capacitors adjusted to fix line limit violations and bus voltage violations under contingency conditions.
Optimal Power Flow (OPF), Security Constrained OPF (SCOPF), and Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs)
This assignment involves running an OPF solution on both the 37-bus and 2000-bus power system cases. Students observe how the LMPs change at various load levels, and explore the relationship between a generator’s bid and its profit. Then an SCOPF is run for both systems, showing the impact of additional security constraints on LMPs and total system cost.
Transient Stability Analysis
This assignment helps students gain experience and insights in the use the transient stability simulation software. In this lab, transient stability simulations will be used on two small systems and a 2000 bus systems to determine critical clearing times, to look at the impact of generator losses on system frequency and to consider methods to prevent short-term voltage collapse.