Synthetic Grid Formats
1. PowerWorld Simulator and PowerWorld DS
pwb – binary case file which can be opened only in the software. Can contain power flow, dynamics, contingencies, economic studies, etc. data
pwd – oneline diagram associated with the case file
tsb – binary time series file with hourly data for loads and generators
aux – text file format. can contain power flow, dynamics, contingencies, economic studies, etc. data. Refer to PowerWorld website for more information on aux files.
Note 1: A case in PowerWorld format can be saved in PSS/E, PSLF and Matpower format.
Note 2: Full grid information, including the geographic coordinates, is included in the PowerWorld pwb files, with onelines in the pwd files. For users with educational or commercial versions of PowerWorld Simulator (which can handle up to 250,000 buses), geographic coordinates can be found by selecting Case Information, Buses or Case Information, Substations. For users without PowerWorld Simulator, PowerWorld provides a free Viewer package, which can open these larger grids. It can be downloaded at here.
m – text file containing only power flow data with generator cost model data
Note: Refer to software manual(s) for format specifications
3. PSS/E
raw – text file containing only power flow data
dyr – text file containing only dynamics data
gic – text file containing only geomagnetically induced current data
Note: Refer to software manual(s) for format specifications
Note: raw files are in v33 of PSS/E format. For use in v34, a format conversion may be needed.
epc – text file containing only power flow data
dyd – text file containing only dynamics data
Note: Refer to software manual(s) for format specifications